1.Expose candidates to relevant and exciting opportunities
We want to make the world of work as exciting as possible for candidates, this means matching candidates to relevant opportunities where they can deliver real value to their employer and subsequently develop themselves professionally.
2.Improve the application process for candidates
As former candidates, we appreciate the struggles of applying. We aim to use technology to increase the speed and efficiency of the application process for candidates.
3. Provide a positive return on investment for clients
Recruitment is an expensive process whichever approach you take. Therefore, we aim to mitigate this by providing VCH clients the best possible return on their investment with us. This means minimising our use of client time, focusing on candidate retention and the quality of candidates delivered while keeping our fees low.
4. Reduce the complexity of recruiting for clients
We want to reduce the complexity of the recruitment process for our clients. We request simple inputs (e.g. Job Description, custom requirements) and output the very best candidates or applications while providing informative reporting on the process.
Number: 020 3747 7110
Email: team@vch.uk
Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, London
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